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The Joy Column

In each of our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly happens daily. My hope is that I have most of my life falling in the Joy Column at the end of each day no matter the circumstances. How about you?

Faith Spilling Over

Getting God's Word In, So Our Faith Can Spill Out

Meals, Deals, & 31 Thrills

Thrifty recipes and adventures of a Proverbs 31 woman


thoughts from a bearded lawyer

On Faith and Writing

A Daughter of the King

Walk the Walk Gods Way

Where God's Word Comes Alive

Embracing God's Grace

Sharing matters of the heart. Because in the end, that's what counts.

Darrell Creswell - A Study of Christian Grace

Just a servant with a laptop sharing stories of Grace, Love, Hope and Comfort

Blogging for a Good Book

A suggestion a day from the Williamsburg Regional Library


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Another Red Letter Day

"The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life." Jesus

God Happenings: Divine Healing Devotions

Finding hope, encouragement and healing in God's word.

The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel

A blog reaching out to victims of abuse and others in need, providing insight about abuse, hope for the future, and guidance to see THE LIGHT that lead Secret Angel out of the darkness of her own abusive situation and helped her to not only survive but to overcome.

Beautifully Broken

Journey to God's Love and Redemption